About Us


Hello there and welcome, my name is Megan and I'm the owner here at The Valley House Ltd. My shop began in 2017 as a single expectant mother looking to just make ends meet and decorate my own home. I began selling handmade signs on Etsy and working on the kitchen table of my home (and when I say kitchen table I actually mean on the table, kitchen counters, floor, and any other flat surface). Since then, I have been so blessed to be able to watch not only my business but family grow and multiply. I never could have imaged what was in store for either. God is truly SO good!

Today our shop features a curated selection of home decor, furniture, and a handful of the beloved handmade items that began our journey.

A lot of our items are exclusively online. However, you can shop our booth at many upscale Vintage Markets we attend and a few stores in the Ohio and Michigan area that we carry our products in. To know more about these stores and events please follow us on Instagram @shopthevalleyhouse. Additionally, we would LOVE if you shared your home photos with us there.

Thank you so much for shopping with us and making our dreams come true throughout the years. We have truly been blessed with such an amazing community we have built around us. None of this would have been possible without you!



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